Friday, May 22, 2009

Goals from the Beginning...

Since Lena did an excellent job describing the details of our project, I'll post some of my personal goals for the Frontline SMS Project. Here it goes.

1) Make a Sustainable Impact in Hubli - Unlike any other project I have worked on at USC, this project gives me the opportunity to have a sustainable impact. Our team doesn't want to give out cell phones, install software, and improve healthcare for just two months. We want the hospitals or clinics we work with to improve their medical care far after we leave. To do this we have to create a system to measure our program's impact and also find the champions necessary to continue the program when we leave.

2) Learn About Development Elsewhere - It would be ignorant to say development all over the world happens just like it does in the United States. In India I can really learn what it takes to have an impact outside of the US. Considering I haven't left the country besides heading south to Latin America or the Caribbean, this should be an awesome learning experience for me.

3) Test My Beliefs, Values, and Everyday Life - I'm hoping India forces me to test my beliefs. There are a lot of norms in the US that I follow just because that's all I know. Some aren't really that harmless like waiting in line, while others like our culture's competitiveness or our fast paced society may not be ideal. Since so many things are culturally different in India, I hope being there allows me to look critically at how I live everyday.

I know these goals are tough, but two months is definitely enough time.


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